
Sweat, Tears and BBQ: Sounds Good to Me

Today I cheered for my friends who were running in the Race for Rigby. The lazy ones, yes that would include me, stood around and grilled . I now smell deliciously like smoke. I'm not sure why, but even though I am a vegetarian, I love the smell of BBQ. Anyway, we had a blast and one of my friends even won! So proud...The day then devolved into an extended backyard party at some guy's house I just met. Why are the randomest days always the funnest? I contributed my secret recipe cookies - officially declared pastry crack. I also managed to somehow wrangle a free tee-shirt. Sometimes it pays to be a midget: no one wants the youth L's for some reason. I meant to get to the studio but had a major FAIL. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Yay procrastination!

Me with the Champ

Lovely Ladies in a Cloud of Smoke - Can you tell it was crazy windy?

Post race bash: aka friends and beer

And because I've managed to figure out my self-timer:

Dress: Theme - from random boutique Jacket: 525 America Tights: Calvin Klein Boots: Bata Cuff: The Limited - it makes me feel like Superwoman!

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